
Friday, December 28, 2012

Smash Book 2013

Oh yes, it is going to happen: I'm finally going to use my Smash book! I have mine for about a year now, but wasn't really sure what to use it for. I think I have got the answer now...

There are some things that I like to use or to do now and then, but I'm never able to keep up with those. I already know that about myself for years about an agenda and a diary, I like to do a diary and an agenda can be really handy, but I forget about it or just simply don't use it. Now there is also Project Life, I really like the idea, but I'm sure I won't keep up with it.

So I decided to combine all 3 of those and I'll use my Smash Book as an agenda, a diary and PL in one. To keep it easy for myself, there won't be any rules. If I like something to capture, I'll add it. If I need to remember something or if I have a little story to tell, I'll write it down. If friends or family feel the need to write something in it, that's fine too. And anything else I find on my way through the year will be added too. Let's see how this will work out :-)

There was just one thing that I needed to prepare. Because I'll use my Smash Book as an agenda too, I need to carry it with me. That got me thinking about all the fun pockets, clips, notepads and tapes by Smash Book that I have. I want to have these with me too, so I can use them right away when I want to. So I added all those things to the inside of the front and back cover.

This is what my Smash Book collection looked like before I started.
I haven't done anything yet with the cover on the outside. Not sure yet if I want to, because it probably will get damaged by carrying it with me all the time.

This is the front cover on the inside:

On the left I added 2 notepads, a pad with tags and the number brads with another small notepad.

On the right I added some pieces of tape and a large pocket that holds some small pockets.
This is the back cover on the inside:
On the left I added pieces of tape.
On the right I placed the clips on the pocket that was already in the cover. That pocket also holds more large pockets. Also added some more pieces of tape and a small pocket that holds some more clips.
Well, I think I'm ready to start the year 2013!
If you do a Smash Book too, please link me up in a comment, I would love to see other Smash Books!!
Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. This is a great idea! I love smash books, too. But I didn't use it. I used one of my for our holidays this year in NY and Miami but my others laying in my cupboard. In 2013 I will try to make a PL - I hope I will withstand it!

  2. Awesome!!
    I have 2 smash books. One is to document my sewing finishes. Fabric, pattern & price along with a pic. The other is for my favourite recipes that I make - that way they are all in the same place and I can find them easily

  3. Looks like a fun setup! I tried to get into smashbooking but I just couldn't stick with it. Your book is going to be super cute though!

  4. i love this! you look ready to rock 2013!

  5. you are a genious, seriously. I love how organized this is and if I did the same I might actual use my smash book! but mine is still in the box...maybe i can do this today!

  6. This is brilliant! I just used mine for photo a day because I was already doing PL.

  7. I love the way you have stored your extras on the inside covers.I am starting my first smash book and will definitely use your idea to help me get going.
